Press Release
| March 1, 2020

COVID-19: CMG is Here and Ready to Help

CMG is closely monitoring the impacts of the COVID-19 virus on business operations and the global community. Our hearts go out to all individuals and families affected by COVID-19, either directly or indirectly.

The safety and wellbeing of all people is of primary importance and guides our decisions throughout this challenging period. We affirm the preventative measures that various governments, local public health authorities and our customers have put into place and we strongly advise everyone to respect these instructions and regulations. We will get through this together; we can slow the spread of the virus and ensure everyone’s health and safety.

All of our staff who are capable of working from home will do so until further notice. We remain open for business through technology, while following recommendations for social distancing. We are taking all necessary and appropriate steps to continue to meet our customers’ needs in this time of uncertainty. We will continue to adapt our remote infrastructure as necessary to facilitate global customer support with as little disruption as possible. Our entire team is standing by to assist and ensure continuity of service.

Training is moving to digital delivery, and all meetings and “on-site” support will be conducted in virtual environments. We continue to work on new and exciting technology for the future and will do our best to serve our customers in this new working environment. To access our global team of engineers for software support, we ask that customers contact For any general inquiries, we ask that customers contact

We are closely monitoring this rapidly changing situation and ensuring that our best practices closely align with the recommendations provided by government and health officials. It is our sincere hope that everyone’s efforts around the world will help contain the virus and enable a speedy recovery, worldwide. These are difficult, stressful and uncertain times- please stay healthy, and take care of yourselves and each other.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter, and please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

Ryan Schneider
President & CEO

Sandra Balic
Vice President, Finance & CFO