CMOST™ leverages cutting-edge statistical analysis, machine learning, and impartial data interpretation to pinpoint the optimal reservoir & operations solution.
Harness the robust capabilities of sensitivity analysis, history matching, optimization, uncertainty assessment, and engineering expertise to enhance reservoir recovery and maximize de-risked Net Present Value (NPV) while accounting for underlying uncertainty.
Reduce Risk and Make Better Business Decisions
Identify several possible solutions and generate accurate forecasts to reduce risk and make better business decisions. CMOST applies CMG’s proprietary Proxy-based Acceptance-Rejection (PAR) sampling to define the posterior probability density function by using “misfit” simulation results and measured production data.

Optimize Field Plans with Geological Scenarios
Solve the industry-wide challenge of geological uncertainty by employing multiple geological scenarios to create a risk-weighted optimization strategy for a field development plan. This automated optimization workflow empowers organizations to make more informed decisions, leading to a higher probability of success and profitability.
Machine Learning for Reservoir Behavior
CMOST leverages machine learning to establish connections between variations in reservoir input behaviour and corresponding changes in cumulative oil, water, and gas responses.

- Utilize unbiased data interpretation in conjunction with human expertise to identify the optimal solution.
- Achieve a new level of machine learning and intelligence in simulation studies.
- Enhance project delivery and expedite decision-making by conducting cloud-based simulations where models are uploaded directly to the Cloud for execution on hardware tailored for CMG software.
- Compute and mitigate operational risks for both new and established fields.
- Automate workflows to generate precise forecasts.
Key Features
- Use Sensitivity Analysis to confidently identify and assess the impact of uncertain reservoir parameters on objective functions for improved history matching and reliable production forecasts.
- Adjust the simulation model properties with Augmented Intelligence (AI) History Matching (HM) to accurately replicate past reservoir behaviour and simulate future response with increased confidence.
- Leverage AI and modern machine learning algorithms to vary dozens to hundreds of parameters simultaneously to find an optimal solution.
- Streamline field development and operational strategies to amplify production, NPV and ultimate recovery.
- Automatically incorporate all uncertainties into a model, through a combination of simulation runs and proxy-based algorithms, to quantify and understand the impact reservoir and operational uncertainties will have on project economics.
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CMOST™ leverages cutting-edge statistical analysis, machine learning, and impartial data interpretation to pinpoint the optimal reservoir solution.