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Post-Processor: Visualization & Analysis


Results™ delivers state-of-the-art visualization and analysis capabilities to provide insight into reservoir characteristics, recovery processes, and reservoir performance.

Quickly compare simulation outputs with field history data, analyze multiple views in the same window, and personalize the interface to show plots of interest.


Optimized Output Format for Simulations

Reservoir simulation output files can grow larger due to model size and complexity of the recovery process which may increase loading time and memory requirements. To improve simulation post-processing activities, Results uses the “SR3” output format which is a compressed and smaller file size, from all simulators – IMEX™, GEM™ and STARS™.


Flexible Plotting and Data Analysis

Easily access multiple features for increased flexibility when creating plots, grouping data, and analyzing results.

Simulation visualizing modelling and predictions
Visualization & Analysis

Enhanced Visualization for Efficient Analysis

Combining the power of 2D and 3D visualization into one tool allows for faster and more efficient results analysis. The enhanced visualization capabilities increase the depth of analysis, allowing users to compare plots and discern subtle differences that may not be detected when switching between multiple post-processing applications.


Effective Field Planning and Reporting

Estimate performance, recovery factor, and Net Present Value (NPV) effectively during field development planning. The enhanced reporting functionality enables users to easily communicate simulation results in both 2D and 3D formats for increased understanding.


Key Features


Take your technical skills from the classroom to your workplace

Results™ delivers state-of-the-art visualization and analysis capabilities to provide insight into reservoir characteristics, recovery processes, and reservoir performance.

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